This application is mainly for Crusher Management System, for managing their day to day activity along with weighing bridge details. Application collects the information about transportation transaction of material supplied to the customer and supplier respective. Application is also managing their day to day material stock detail in the production and handles the purchase & sale information in to store. Some other utility are provided in to this application and at the last all type of reports are present in report.
Master Module:
The above diagram shows that all entry in master form is one time entry, means we get all master form entry in all other transaction form. The real benefit of this master form comes in picture when client place hundreds of purchase order with same product name, imagine how typical it is...
In our scenario we provide a facility due to which once client make product entry in master form then in all other transactions he will able to choose product name or location name from combo box.
This above form is much more useful for the admin site; he is checking the transaction and approved that. At before no one can make any transaction over the same transaction.
Admin person (Head office) is approved transaction only seen this form. This form is use to verify the approved transaction as per party wise also seen the complete detail, their total transaction and Amount.
This form is help to see the Debit/Credit balance about the party. On the same form make the voucher Entry against the party. When click on the Voucher Entry Button then open payment voucher at bellow the same form.
Master Module:
This diagram show all process briefly means in this module user can place purchase, then as usual he can make sale against that order when he receives delivery and then Sale invoice means final account entry at this moment all account get updated.
Finally all the sale related taxes are including this form. We try to reduce the addition work for interring the tax each time.
On seeing above diagram one can assume that it is one direction process but this not true. In near about all transaction form we have provided edit facility so that users can rollback their wrong entry.
When there is need to report for this purchase & sale transaction with the help of weighbridge then you seeing the report about these transactions.
We added the one more functionality with the material rate. The material rate is varying Party to party. So we add the this type of provision in this project, when making the Purchase or sale in voice at that time the prefix material rate is to be comes.
Also work with the royalty book, Application is also managing their day to day royalty Book detail from start to end of the book. This royalty book containing the unique TP No. is to be maintained and all the related information also handle.
This Module will help us to manage material details, their stock quantity, their Scheme and Production details etc.
This diagram show flow of process briefly means in this module user can place purchase, first conform the stock available in production then as usual he can make sale against that order when he receives delivery and then Sale invoice means final account entry at this moment all account get updated. Also number of scheme is added in the production on sale material. This is also checking the all the scheme is providing over the row material and categorized them. And that predefined scheme is applied over the material.
On seeing above diagram one can assume that it is one direction process but this not true. In near about all transaction form we have provided edit facility so that users can rollback their wrong entry. When there is need to report for this purchase & sale transaction with the help of weighbridge then you seeing the report about these transactions.
Store Management module covers all details about the Materials and their Group, Sub Group, items, General Purchase- Material Issue, Receipt and Party Details, Customer and Supplier, taken care by this module.
Store Module:
This diagram shows the basic flow of a production. If we carefully observe to this diagram then we will find that Coal production is done at the first level then number verity of coal (scheme) and finally coal production.
Ours developer has made production entry so easy and user friendly, so that there is no need to make extra calculation while making entry.
The following window is seeing the purchase and receives of coal production, also search the related information date wise, how much quantity is to be sale.
This Module is useful for Reporting Head, who will allot all Material to the supplier and monitor their details online and Offline Weighing Bridge.
TransactionPurchase Report
What we expect from our Application (software)? At the end of day, month or year we expect a well analyzed, formatted report. We want result in the form of report for each and every thing that happens in our organization, because final report shows the real fact. By considering this fact client/user can take decision on various situation/condition.
Upload Functionality is present in this project - You are uploading the data with this utility.
Data Correction Utility - This utility is much more useful to the user, because when the data is transfer from one place (site) to another Place (Head office). They remove the data related problem with help this utility. Delete the unused old party by checking the check box of old party name
Backup Functionality is available with this - You are getting the backup any with this utility. In the above form is useful for backup functionality. This place on the menu with the name of 'Backup' this utility use store the data in additional copy in another location as per your convenient.